Affiliate and Referral Program

Promote Videco to your audience and earn up to 20% generous commission for every sale you generate.

How it works

Start seeing results in minutes with a few simple steps

Step 1

Join the affiliate program

Click the link and create an account. Approval time normally takes a couple of days.

Step 2

Connect your Paypal account

Videco affiliate program pays through PayPal. The payout is done 30 days after a user has purchased through your link.

Step 3

Generate a link and earn 20% commission on any purchase

Edit your link, click on “Copy”, share it with your audience & earn 20% commission from every subscription that comes through your link.

Frequently asked questions

When do I get paid?

Payment are verified and paid-out the month after your commission is earned. The payouts happen after the minimum threshold of $100 is reached. 

How long do cookies last for?

We use cookies to track your referrals. The cookies last for 45 days after someone clicks on your link. If they click again, it restarts.

Who can I refer?

Anyone that wants to start boosting their outbound or inbound strategies with video. Except you and your company internal employees, or someone from our own. 

Can I promote Videco via Paid Media?
Please be aware that paid advertising for Videco through any ad network is strictly prohibited. Violations will result in account closure and cancellation of pending and due commissions.
What happens if a customer downgrades or asks for a refund?

If a customer downgrades (or upgrades for that matter), your commission amount will be impacted. For any partial or full refunds we give to customers coming from you, we reserve the right to ask for compensation for the corresponding commission.